Monday, April 20, 2009

a busy weekend

Mom and I had a really fun weekend out of town.  Going on vacation is always a little stressful, because I usually have to get in my carrier, which gets kind of claustrophobic if I have to stay in it for more than a half hour.  But it's usually worth it.
First we went to Bryn Mawr for a bit, which was kind of confusing because Libby wasn't there.  It was still really fun, though. We sat in the backyard, and I chased rabbits and squirrels, and got a little bit sunburned.
Then the next day, we drove down to visit cousin Emma and her new baby brother, cousin Will.
We had a great time in Maryland. I got to play with Emma and Will's dogs, Moose and Sky, and we went to two different parks, and mom put sunscreen on me this time.  Oh, and I MIGHT have kind of clawed up the rug a little bit in the guest bedroom... but that's only because all the humans went out to dinner and you know how it is when you're left somewhere unfamiliar--it can be scary.  I told aunt Jen I was really sorry.  Anyway, Will is cute and all, but Emma is the best--when it's her lunchtime, you can bet there's going to be something delicious winding up on the ground.
So then we went back to Bryn Mawr for a bit, and I got to see my pal Wonka next door, and play frisbee in the park, and then we had to go back home to New York.  It was a little easier being stuck in my carrier this time, but then it started pouring while we were walking from the subway, and I was miserable and soaking wet by the time we were home. And to top it off, I had to take a bath. 
I've been sleeping the rest of the day now, because let me tell you, a weekend like that leaves you in serious need of some shuteye.