Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mowgli the Jerk

Molly and Dempsey moved to the city from Alaska last month, and last weekend, we decided to introduce the dogs. I have to say I was not overly optimistic about their chances of getting along, because Mowgs can be such a jerk sometimes. At first, they got along fine, sniffing, and peeing over each other's spots, and walking very nicely together. And then just after I took this picture, Mowgs picked a fight. Because he's a jerk. So now we're trying some new training methods, or different applications of previous methods. Clicker training a deaf dog is not an easy task, let me tell you, but I think he's starting to get the association between the flash of an LED light that I'm now using and the treat that follows. We'll see how it goes. Meanwhile, wish me luck.

1 comment:

Kate Diamond said...

I wish you luck, and I am just jealous that you got to hang out with Molly and Dempsey! (Jerk dog behavior notwithstanding...)

There are times that I miss the east coast. Sigh. This is definitely one of them.