Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The best thing about being so low to the ground

So I'm out for my last walk last night, nose to the ground, like usual. And I look down in the gutter, and--jackpot! There's this huge stick, almost twice as long as I am! Pretty cool, right? So I pick it up and take it with me, because how can you just leave such an awesome stick lying there?

Mom's all like, "Mowgli, stand still so I can take your picture!" and everyone we walked by was like, "Oh, look at that dog with the stick! How cute!"

But I didn't have time for any of that crap. I mean, when you find a stick like this, nothing else really seems that interesting. You know what I mean?

1 comment:

Tami said...

ahahahahahaha. Loved this post!

Mowgli when I eventually get to meet you, i will definitely bring you a big stick.